An inside-out approach to joy and fulfilment in later life, for women fed up piloting their careers (and lives) according to what everyone else thinks.
Is This You?
Does any of this sound familiar…?
- You’re at a career crossroads, without a map. You want clarity, both about where you’re headed and how to get there
- You’re not sure who you are anymore. Perhaps you find it hard to remember a time when you did know who you were, beyond your professional identity. And all the taking care of everybody else’s needs (people-pleasing?) doesn’t help
- The career goals you’ve been working towards all these years don’t seem to hold the allure they once did. Maybe you’ve lost sight of a vocation, or maybe it’s just that your priorities have changed. What now? That’s the question.
- A difficult redundancy, burnout, or other toxic workplace experiences, continue to affect how you feel, with self criticism and imposter syndrome running riot.
- Menopause is looming large. Work is frantic. Family needs your attention. It’s everything all at once and you often feel blown off course and depleted. You want time and headspace to think about you for a change.
- You’re ready for a fresh start, and a fresh approach to the challenges, like self-criticism, self-sabotage, and overthinking that hold you back, and frankly, make life so much harder than it needs to be
- You sense this could be the start of a big new adventure and you want to actively choose what’s next, not just play along following other people’s ‘shoulds’ and ‘oughts’.

If you recognise yourself in some or all of the above, then you’re the kind of person I work with.
You want clarity and direction. I want to help you discover a better way of reading the signposts of your life so you can make better career and life decisions.
What is the big midlife career crossroads pointing you towards? Come and talk to me about it.
What’s possible for you?
Here are the kind of results I want for you…
More fulfilment. More authenticity and being true to yourself.

Too many capable, talented women get to 50 and find themselves adrift in roles that no longer excite or fulfil them. Conscious career coaching aims to change that by helping you figure out who you are, what matters to you, and where you’re going next. We use the 4 Compass Questions for Career Reinvention as the starting point for unravelling what can be a thorny and tangled issue.
Work doesn’t always have to be vocational. But if you want to be fulfilled, it does have to have meaning for you.
Conscious career coaching helps you find yourself, clarify career choices, and follow your heartpath.
More courage. More self belief

Self belief can’t change the world, but no one changes anything without it. Yes, the System is inherently unfair and needs to change. And, you also need to believe that you DO have the skills, and you DO deserve to succeed, in order to rebel against it. And it takes courage to face challenges like impostor syndrome or redundancy.
So conscious career coaching helps you feel more confident, empowered, and resourced to take on your next career challenge.
More ease. More calm. Less overwhelm.

If this time, you’re going to make those changes, you need both time to think and room to grow.
Where is that time and space in your life currently?
When my clients first start working with me, they’re often over-committed and over-stretched. Depleted.
Inner Resourcing offers you more than conventional coaching. It also gives you step-by-step techniques for clearing inner space and dealing with inner critics. Plus a proven, evidence-based practice for accessing your inner compass, and living more true to who you really are.
If this is all sounding good, then you’re probably wondering what’s next?