How do you know when something’s right for you?

Sometimes it feels like the stars align and your path is magically laid out in front of you.

Sometimes, you just know.

It’s great when this happens, isn’t it?

The magically laid out in front of us path we’d all like to find….

Yet other times, more often perhaps, you’re left wondering.

Stuck at the crossroads. Or with the path fading to nothing as you look forwards.

Or finding too much internal resistance to move forward, but without clarity about what the issue is.

What if you could more readily tap into that inner knowing of what’s needed?

Introducing Focusing

Experiential Focusing is a transformative practice that helps you connect with your wise inner self, trust what you know, and act from this place of clarity and wisdom.

Focusing is a mind-body process that involves getting in touch with something called the “felt sense”. This is an emergent bodily-held sense of the whole of a situation.

Its organic and holistic nature allows you to tap into (what I call) your bodymind sweet spot. This is where your smart brain meets your wise body and loving heart. This brings insight, shifts perspective, and prompts positive action.

It’s “the help within”.

Join my short, introductory workshop, and discover the secret of navigating life’s challenges with clarity and resilience as you find the help within

(You can also read more about Experiential Focusing here….)

In this Focusing workshop, you’ll begin to explore how Focusing can help you:

  • Tune into the helpful knowing and wisdom that lives in each of us
  • Deepen your understanding of who you are and what you truly want
  • Become a more trustworthy listener for yourself and others
  • Develop self-trust and self-acceptance
  • Gain insight into stuck or puzzling situations or relationships
  • Understand and manage emotional triggers effectively
  • Enhance your presence and mindfulness at work and at home
  • Develop a trusted network of supportive listening-partners

Whether you’re looking to improve your emotional well-being, enhance your relationships, or achieve personal and professional goals, this introductory session will provide you with valuable insights and practical tools from the Experiential Focusing practice.

Hi, I’m Helen, your Conscious Career Coach and Focusing Facilitator

Before I made Focusing part of my life, I often felt stuck, confused, or like my life was out of control. Focusing has helped me understand myself better, and since practising it regularly I’ve been able to shift what were some significant blocks in my life.

I now feel much more free to do the things I want to do, and am clearer about where I’m going and what I want, far more often.

I want this freedom and clarity for you too!

Please note that this isn’t a boring webinar focused on selling you things! Instead, it’s a live, interactive experience. So come along ready to have a go and try things out.

My wish for you is that you gain a direct experience of how tapping into your “felt-sense” of situations can help you live with more ease and clarity.

You might like to also check out my other introductory course “Clear Head, Spacious You: Discovering Inner Peace in a Hectic World“, which complements this one.

Each of these short workshops can be taken standalone, or together, and they can also lead on to the Focusing Skills Certificate course.

Interested in joining us?

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Learn how to unlock your inner wisdom, develop self-trust and self-acceptance, and start creating lasting, positive changes in your life.

Now taking bookings for Saturday 28th September

Want to try a guided session instead?

Click here to find out more. about guided Focusing sessions..

Alternatively, want more specific help with your career dilemma?

Check out Conscious Career coaching options here…