Be True to You
(How can you reliably tune in to your authentic wisdom,
and let your true self live,
without inner critics, and other people’s opinions, getting in the way?)
Do you long to be able to understand what you really want in your career? To be authentic and true to yourself?
You’ve probably heard that a deeper sense of purpose, and more fulfilment at work, depends on following your inner guidance. So, you want to listen to your wise inner voice. And to find and step into your truth in work situations.
The question you’re struggling with is HOW?
Because it’s hard to hear yourself when outer voices are so loud. It seems like everybody’s got an opinion about what you should do.
Moreover, when you do try to find your inner wisdom (that everyone says should be there), instead your inner gremlins troll you with their stories about how “you can’t do it” and “why are you even trying”.
Although you’ve done a ton of work on yourself, you’ll almost certainly be finding that certain patterns persist.
Patterns like chronic self-doubt, self-criticism, or self-sabotage. People-pleasing. The pain of these might make you wonder if you can trust yourself.
And on top of all that, even just the idea of listening to your inner compass can be scary. What if it says you have to change everything immediately? (Don’t worry, you don’t.)
All of this gets in the way of finding your true self
You wish you could somehow turn on the inner lights to see yourself more clearly.
Meanwhile, you long to live and work from a deeper place of self-understanding and self-leadership. Yes, you want a fulfilling career. And you also want, in this new 50-plus stage of your life, to finally find and embody who you truly are.

So, what does it mean to find your true self?
Here’s what I’ve learned:
Finding your true self isn’t a one time thing.
Because situations change. You change.
Finding your true self is a on-going process of living according to your truth.
Therefore, to create a fulfilling career, navigate career crossroads, and follow your heartpath at work, you need a way to keep connecting and reconnecting to your deepest wisdom and authenticity.
Because there is no doubt:
You will be called, repeatedly, to step into your truth. To keep drawing from that deeper well.
But here’s the difficulty: you may have lost sight of who you are today. Never mind who you’ll be in the future.
This loss of connection can happen to anyone. Because maintaining connection to our deepest, wisest, truest self isn’t routinely taught.
In fact, modern life actively separates us from our inner guidance and self-leadership.
As do the inner critic and other challenging inner voices.
So, what if there was a more reliable way to access your authentic, wise, intuitive self?
Don’t you wish you could…
- Keep stepping into your truth as your career unfolds
- Reliably access inner guidance again and again
- Unearth your own trustworthy answers
- Stop getting stuck in your head
- Quiet critical inner voices & distracting outer ones
- Trust yourself more
- Make more wholehearted career decisions
- Find your best next career steps
- Gain clarity and follow your heartpath
If you’re ready to draw from a deeper well and live from your authentic self, then this is the course for you.

Discover the game-changing “Felt-Sensing” process:
Tune into your inner wisdom, find your true self,
& unearth your own answers
Tune in to your inner wisdom
Discover an exact, proven, step-by-step self-discovery process. And open a channel to your wise authentic self
Through felt sensing, you can throw open the inner doors and windows to let light and fresh air into stuffy and stuck patterns
Be supported to listen deeply to yourself in this live, one-to-one, experiential course

Find your true self
Remember her? The you that lives behind all the scripts and expectations? The you that knows what’s needed for a more satisfying way to live and work.
The good news is, she’s still there. So let’s rebuild your connection to her.
Learn how to recognise the signs and follow the footprints of your inner wise woman
Unearth your own answers
Build your confidence and trust in who you are and what you want, as you work with an existing career/work issue
The heart of each session is a guided practice of the Focusing/Felt-sensing steps using your specific work/career issue or question.
So you can gain insight and experience shifts in how you hold the issue through the course.

What will I learn?
“To be that self whom one truly is…”
You’ll be learning a reliable, step-by-step method for tuning in to your inner knowing and tuning out distractions like other people’s opinions and your inner critic. So you can live from your true self, make more wholehearted decisions, and feel more at peace in your life.
Felt-sensing allows you to connect up your smart brain, your wise body, and your loving heart. so you don’t have to live from a constricted halfway place any more.
Find your truest, wisest, most authentic self, whenever you need her wisdom to make decisions, and to show up as your most powerful and authentic self. So you can live from your true self at work and in your life.
This is fundamental to a conscious and fulfilled career, especially when at a career crossroads.
In order to do this, you’ll receive a grounding in the Experiential Focusing/Felt-Sensing process so you can begin to use it as a self-help/self-awareness tool. To discover, in the words of Soren Kirkegaard quoted above, how to be that self “whom one truly is”.
In this introductory course, we’ll work with a specific career/business issue or situation, as you learn and practice the 4 stages and 5 skills of Inner Relationship Focusing. (More about these in a minute.)
You’ll get one-to-one teaching and guided practice. Plus, in-session coaching, extensive written handouts, and email support between sessions.
The 5 inner wisdom skills you’ll discover in this course
- Resourcing yourself: Learn embodied ways to feel supported and resourced when doing inner work. Identify your best routes to creating and returning to a sense of peace and a haven whenever you need it
- Being friendly with what arises: In order to listen to your wise inner self, you need to maintain an open, friendly attitude towards your inner experience. This isn’t always so easy, especially when the inner critic is about! Make the mindset shifts you need to relate to your inner selves more effectively. And discover the power of being “Self-in-Presence”
- Finding a right distance: Sometimes you may find that you feel overwhelmed by your inner experience, and other times it may feel hard to contact anything at all. There are some simple, but little known, ways of finding a right distance so that you can be in relationship with your experience. This means not so close that you feel overwhelmed, and yet not so far away that you lose contact with your inner wisdom altogether.
- Resonating/Acknowledging: This is about ensuring that your wise inner experience feels seen, heard, and understood. Which is often the opposite of how we’ve been told to be with ourselves. Find out how to use your felt-sense to check that the words, metaphors, or insights that have come fit “just right”. This exquisite listening and self-empathy may be new to you, but we’ll have plenty of time for practice through the weeks.
- Receiving: When you receive your inner truth, loud and clear, you change, and so does your life. We emphasise this as a skill in its own right – noticing, checking, and reinforcing sustainable change in how you feel, what you understand, and how you carry the issues you’re working with.
Be True to You:
Discover a sense of direction and inner guidance

Gain confidence in following your inner voice for direction and guidance in your career or business. So you can live from that place of self-leadership. (Without worrying about your inner critic getting in the way.)

Learn how to respond to the inner critic effectively, without losing the life energy it embodies (This is probably not how you’ve been told to deal with it before)

Find your best way forward (a sense of next steps, or “right-action”, often emerges from the felt-sensing process)

Discover how to access your authentic self, through bringing compassion and curiosity to your inner relationships

Clear your head and tune in to what you want for your life and work

Gain insight and experience shifts in your career issue, as you play with various moves and steps in the process.
And the best part is…
Be True to You isn’t just about finding yourself today
It’s about learning a process through which you will always be able to:
- locate your truth
- follow your wise inner voice, and
- live wholeheartedly as fully, authentically, wildly you.

“When women reassert their relationship with the wildish nature, they are gifted with a permanent and internal watcher, a knower, a visionary, an oracle, an inspiratrice, an intuitive, a maker, a creator, an inventor, and a listener who guide, suggest, and urge vibrant life in the inner and outer world.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a bunch of tips and strategies?
What if I want to bring a different type of issue i.e. not career-related?
Is there a group training, or is it just one-to-one?
Is there a d-i-y/self-study version?
What’s the difference between this and the other coaching programmes you offer?
I’ve already done some Focusing – can you help me develop my skills?
What else you need to know about
“Be True to You – Find and Live from Your True Self“
- This is a live training course – i.e. it’s not just a bunch of recordings.
- Sessions are approximately every two weeks (because this is one to one, we can always be flexible with dates to allow for holidays etc but I’ve found every two weeks is about right).
- We meet via video conferencing. So you can take part from anywhere in the world, and without leaving your sofa. (In fact a quiet, comfy spot like a sofa is ideal!)
- You’ll need somewhere quiet and comfortable where you won’t be disturbed. Therefore a cafe or similar is unlikely to be suitable.
- There will be suggested homework each week, but this shouldn’t take up more than about an hour altogether over the week. Plus, week by week, you’ll receive carefully written handouts on each skill, to be read prior to the relevant session.
- Although working one-to-one can be intensive, these sessions are informal and relaxed with plenty of space to ask questions and try things out.
- You might want paper and writing/drawing materials handy to make notes etc
Helen Dillon: Your Teacher and Coach

Hi, I’m your Conscious Career Coach helping women over 45 find themselves and career fulfilment, especially when at a career crossroads:
I help you discover who you are, why you’re here, and what you want next at work, through the wisdom of your inner compass and the power of your sovereign self.
I’m a qualified coach and Experiential Focusing Practitioner, with a background in both person-centred counselling, and working in large organisations. And I have been successfully coaching professional women for 15+ years.
Although I’ve been coached and had therapy, and done much allied training over the years, Focusing/felt sensing is THE process that’s made the most difference to me and my life and work.
Focusing has not only been instrumental in resolving long-standing issues like imposter syndrome and helping me feel more confident and purposeful, but also key for everyday decision making, stress management, and responding to the curve balls that life so often throws at us.
I want to make this essential, yet little-known, process more available to other women so they too can discover how to let their true selves live.
My superpower lies in helping you discover and reliably access your own gifts, wisdom, and sense of direction
Be True to You –
Find Your True Self with Felt Sensing
Your Investment & Booking
You can pay in a single installment of £490 (USD 550), or in two 2 installments of £245 (USD275) each, one on booking and the other prior to session 4.
You get:
- 7 x 90 minute* live, one-to-one classes incorporating:
- explanations of the steps of the Focusing process
- guided practices, building your confidence while moving a real-life issue forward
- discussion and mentoring on the key skills involved, smoothing any sticky points, and helping you spot where mindset and/or unconscious patterns separate you from your inmost wisdom
- * You might also wish to take some time afterwards to make notes or, for example, go for a walk.
- 1 x 60 minute additional fully guided Focusing session to be scheduled somewhere towards the midpoint of the course.
- Extensive handouts, provided to support learning, so that we can concentrate on practical skills development during the sessions
- Audio + video recordings of your sessions so you can go back over any of the teaching (Please note these are confidential and for your personal use only)
- Email support – your questions answered between sessions, during office hours (9-6pm Mon-Fri and 11-3pm Sat)
To get started, please fill out the form below and I will get back to you directly.
Want a “test-drive” of Focusing before you dive in?
PS If you’ve not come across Focusing before, you probably wondering whether you’ll like it and how it work for you. Please do take the opportunity to have a guided session first. Book a Guided Focusing Session on this page.
Alternatively, drop me a message and let’s have a chat.