Find Your Poise
In 4 weeks, discover a mind-body solution for a stressed-out life
Reduce feelings of burnout. Feel calmer. More grounded. And more resourced.
Stress gone through the roof?
If you are feeling stressed out right now, it’s not surprising – you’re dealing with A LOT.
Sure, a little bit of stress like an approaching deadline might help you focus.
BUT constant pressure, worry, and change can result in debilitating levels of stress. Especially when events are out of your control, or hard to predict, for example when facing redundancy, or organisational change.
This kind of stress is miserable to live with.
You may be noticing:
- Stress is making you feel constantly tired and wired at the same time, leading to difficulty switching off, poor sleep, and even burnout
- More stress means more irritability, like you’re on a shorter fuse than normal
- You’re getting more upset at “little” things that you’d have brushed off before
- It’s hard to concentrate at work. This makes it harder to deliver for your clients and colleagues, and increases the stress that’s already there
- Dips in confidence, and an increase in negative thinking. (If you’re already inclined to chronic self-criticism, you may find stress tips you into that negative spiral more often)
- The things you’d normally turn to, like mindset work, or affirmations aren’t working. They’re not getting anywhere near the root of the overwhelming feelings that comes with red-alert-stress
It makes sense to get help.
Mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, but it can be difficult to learn on your own.

Maybe you’ve tried meditation apps to reduce stress?
And you know what, there are a lot of free meditation courses, online mindfulness advice… phone apps even …all sorts of generic things.
But what a lot of people don’t realise is: it’s HARD to start meditation or similar when you’re completely stressed out.
Think of it like this: If you had a slipped disc, would you start following random exercise videos?
No – you’d get specific support from a professional.

So here’s what I want you to know:
- There’s nothing wrong with you if you aren’t sailing through life’s troubles
- Overwhelm, procrastination, and stress are not just in your head, though they can leave you feeling like you’re stuck there.
- Overwhelm/stress/worry are whole body experiences.
The good news is that your body knows the way to calm and reset itself, but many of us have forgotten, or never known, how to access this inbuilt somatic wisdom.
Calm & resourced versus wired & wound up?
The fact is, stressful events and stress filled times aren’t going away any time soon.
So what makes the difference between feeling calm and resourced, and, being wired, wound up, and stressed out?
As well as the established well-being trinity of: enough sleep, sufficient exercise, and healthy eating, a major difference can be experienced when you have the following in place:
- Being able to reliably access your mind-body wisdom connection. (This is already there – you don’t have to create this – you just need to know how to dip into it).
- Having skills for self-regulation and self-support, and knowing what to do first, so you can quickly regain equilibrium.
- Knowing how to be with difficult, or overwhelming, feelings rather than being them.
Thus – you feel calmer, more connected, less stressed, more of the time.
Not just when things are going well, but in the tough moments when you really need to feel calm and resourced, but struggle to get there.
(This stuff is not taught at school, in business class, or in coach training. But you can learn it here.)
So how to reduce stress? How to shift from wired & stressed-out to calm, connected & focused?

Find Your Poise
A 4-week course for overwhelmed, stressed out professionals.
Feel calm, resourced & clear-headed, fast.
Discover a mind-body antidote to your stressed-out life.
What is “Find Your Poise”?
A one-to-one course comprising guided stress management/self-care, teaching and coaching. The central process we’ll be working with is Experiential Focusing (more about this below).
You and I will be working together in a supportive, confidential environment, via video conferencing. (So you can take part from anywhere in the world, and without leaving your sofa.)
This is a live course, tailored to your specific situation and concerns around stress and resilience. (No more struggling with generic advice and irrelevant “top tips”.)
Find Your Poise: at a Glance

More easily love and support your overwhelmed stressed-out self

Reduce stress. Generate calm. And build resilience. All through a mindful, body-oriented, evidence-based process.

Get one to one, live, compassionate, and effective teaching and coaching in 4 weekly, or bi-weekly, sessions

Not just information. Actually apply the process and experience the shifts in real time, during the sessions

Be guided and supported in using your wise body, as well as your smart brain, to find solutions to stress.

As a result, your body can show you what the stress is really about, and what it needs to release it.
The results you want
- reduced stress, feeling more solid, poised, and resilient
- tools for getting out of stress-fueled “head-loops”
- rediscover a sense of wholeness and perspective
- step out of the overwhelm of analysis-paralysis
- discover calm, creative inner space where you can make good decisions and find your next steps
- find out how to be more present and focused at work and at home
- experience ease and spaciousness around your challenges
- discover an invaluable life-skill – because who knows what’s next?
Over and above all that, what I want for you is to be able to look forward to what’s next in life instead of dreading it, because you know you have tools to deal with it.
(One of fee of) £259 to be paid in advance.
What is this Experiential Focusing thing?
Focusing, or “Felt Sensing”, is an established, well-evidenced, simple process. It involves holding a special kind of non-judgemental attention to something that is felt inside. It is gentle, structured, and body based.
Through it, you gain access to inner wisdom and resources. Focusing is a dialogue between your smart-thinking brain and your wise body-mind – a way of thinking with and through your body.
So it’s super effective at stopping you from getting overwhelmed in your stress-scrambled head.
See more detail
I’ll be guiding you through the Experiential Focusing 4-stage process, in order to help you immediately generate calm and inner peace.
You’ll also discover the underlying principles of Inner Relationship Focusing so you can understand how to use this process for yourself. This is a real mindset shift. Embracing it is likely to help you in ALL areas of your life.
Specific Practical Stress Reduction Tools & a Framework for Change

How Does Find Your Poise Work?
We meet, once a week for 4 weeks, over video conferencing or telephone.
Session 1 will last 90 minutes. The other 3 sessions will each last about an hour.
Each session includes some guided Focusing time, an introduction to the principles of Inner Relationship Focusing, and discussion of/coaching on how you can use Focusing as a self-help tool.
Each week you will:
- learn specific, practical tools to bring immediate shifts
- discover new, more productive, friendly, and compassionate ways of being with yourself. So you can reduce stress and overwhelm, without disconnecting, or losing your authenticity
- be given suggestions and receive coaching on ways of practicing between sessions, and implementing your new skills in your life and at work
All within a carefully held and guided framework of Focusing’s proven, body-centred approach.
NB Focusing requires attention. You’ll need somewhere you can sit comfortably, free from interruptions.

“Focusing is one of those things that you really need to experience for yourself. I’d read about it, but until I tried it, I just didn’t get how it could possibly work. It feels like magic though I know it isn’t.
I was skeptical at first, but I was so stressed out with things happening at work, I decided to try it. With Helen’s support and gentle guidance I felt so much better… calmer and able to get my head straight. But not just my head – all of me felt clearer.“
Who is “Find Your Poise” for?
- Professional women yearning for inner calm, in a stressful, overwhelming and uncertain world
- Senior women in “high-powered” roles who want an effective self-care, stress-reduction process they can practice anywhere, anytime
- Coaches, consultants, or therapists who need to be present, focused, and resourced for their clients, or their business . (Because change professionals are as susceptible to stress as everyone else.)
- Business leaders who’ve done mindset work, but find that their emotions and/or physical feelings still overwhelm them at inconvenient moments
- Women who want a more fulfilling, on-purpose life, if only they weren’t too stressed out to do something about it
- Anyone interested in embodied ways of developing professionally, or personally, especially resilience, calm and presence. (This includes both experienced meditators, and absolute beginners)
NB This is designed for people with little or no prior Focusing experience, but if you DO have previous Focusing experience it can be adapted to your level – please get in touch to discuss.
You may be reassured to know I’m a BFA-recognised Focusing Practitioner (BFA is the British Focusing Association), a qualified, experienced coach, and trained therapist.

Remember, if you’re feeling stressed out and overwhelmed, you’re not alone. You don’t have to struggle with meditation apps and generic advice. I’m here to help.
It’s time to take care of the most important person in your business or career – YOU.
Ready to reduce stress, and feel more calm, connected, and resourced?
It all starts with your first session. Book it here…
When you click the above button, you’ll be shown my current calendar and you can choose a time slot that works for you. If you can’t find anything that works, please contact me – sometimes I can rearrange things.
When you schedule your first session, I’ll send you your Inner Resourcing Welcome Pack and payment details.
Got questions? Feel free to get in touch here, or, contact me on LinkedIn, here.

For a course that uses these tools, but has more focus specifically on dealing with the Inner Critic and chronic self-doubt, check out my confidence coaching programme “Confidence Rising” here…

This article has some helpful tips about dealing with stress. And how to get focused even when you’re wired and stressed out
Top photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on Pexels