Find Yourself & Career Fulfilment in your fifties (& beyond)
with Helen Dillon
Conscious Career Coaching
is for mature, midlife women who:
Are at the big Midlife Career Crossroads,
want to be more fulfilled at work,
and at 50+, feel “it’s now or never” to make a fresh start –
but, struggle to trust themselves to make the decisions, take the steps, and find success on their own terms
Your next career adventure begins here
We’ll figure it out together, using my holistic framework:
The 4 Compass Questions for Conscious Career Reinvention:

Q. Who am I?
Regain your on-going connection to your inner source. Live, work, decide, and act from this deeper place of self-understanding, self-trust, and self-leadership.
Key idea: Be true to yourself

Q. What matters?
Rebuild your confidence and trust in what you want and why you’re here. Decode your skills and talents. Understand what’s calling you, and why.
Key idea: Belonging in your life

Q. What is my right path?
Develop and design the next stage of your career journey. Go forward with intention and joy. Transform obstacles to openings.
Key idea: Paths are made by walking

Q. How to show up for myself?
Resource yourself through change. Embrace good enough. Discover inner spaciousness despite a busy life.
Key idea: You matter
Let’s talk about the first of these:

~ Career Coaching for Women ~
The Big Midlife Career Crossroads
The big midlife Career Crossroads isn’t just about what you do for a living.
It’s about who you are.
And “Who am I?” (as opposed to “Who should I be?”) is the most difficult, and yet most fundamental, question we need to work with in our lives. Especially at the menopausal, 50-plus, older but just getting started, stage. Especially in a world where older women are expected to fade to grey.
Who you should be is probably pretty clear to you. But who you are? Not so much.
In fact, this career reinvention you’re looking for is probably going hand in hand with the reinvention of yourself that happens as you grow through menopause and beyond.
That makes it extra tricky!
We’re told “tune into yourself”!
But what if you don’t know how?
That’s why I both explore these questions in coaching AND teach a reliable, mind-body process for accessing your embodied intelligence.
Here’s the thing: you may not have a map for these times, but you do have an inner compass, though you may have lost connection to it.
And my job is to guide you back to it.
Hi, I’m Helen Dillon
You know, you’d think, by the time we got to our 50s and 60s we’d be sorted. We’d know what we’re supposed to be doing …saying …Wanting.
Except life’s not like that! Each day, each decade, presents new challenges. And we never really know how, or even whether we can meet them. Until we do.
I know what it’s like to reinvent yourself
I worked in high-powered corporate settings before changing career to psychotherapy and then coaching.
Qualified in professional coaching, person-centred therapy, and, more recently, certified in Experiential Focusing (a mindful, somatic self-awareness practice), I’ve helped many women through significant life and work transitions.
Thru 20 years of this work, and significant transitions of my own, I’ve learned:
When women connect to their inner wisdom-process they grow in confidence and clarity. They feel more powerful, purposeful, and courageous.
This inner wisdom-process, a.k.a. your inner compass or inner wise woman, is the truest resource you have for finding direction for your work, knowing what you want from a career, and living fully.
If I am a guide to anything, it’s to this edge, this going beyond the self and the stories you already know… to discover, create, and nurture your true self, your emergent self – and then move forward in alignment with that. …..This isn’t conventional, goal-oriented, if-this-then-that coaching…

Or get in touch here for an informal conversation
What women say…

“At first, I was concerned that it would be too ‘soft’ and generic; in fact it was highly personal and often challenging. I also didn’t understand how someone who didn’t know me or my issues could help.
I’ve learned that Helen is a guide to finding the help within …which is a powerful, lasting gift to her clients… ……Our sessions felt like a mental spa or an emotional massage. Afterwards I often took action on things that had been blocked a long time.”
Sara Abdullah

“Helen has been a warm, kind and gentle coach with me which is exactly what I needed whilst trying to navigate a change of career alongside illness and bereavement in my family. She challenged my words at the right times and cleverly reflected my own words back to me so I could see myself better. I experienced several revelations over just a few sessions and learned the importance of loving all parts of myself. I have so much confidence in my new direction having explored the depths of what matters to me, who I am, and where I come from.”
Caroline Kisielewicz

“I’m not sure that I would have been brave enough to consider such a change, never mind embark on potentially a whole new path, if we had not met and spoken. I am so glad and grateful we did. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with me and for pointing the way. It feels like my life has changed for the better.”
Emilia S.
May I be frank…?
When you get past 50 it can feel like “now or never” to change your career and make the impact you want
Yet more and more “2nd age” women ARE embracing second careers as workforce demographics change. We’re not only living longer, we want to live more fully for longer.
And we want to do more meaningful work.
But here’s the reality bit:
Plenty of fluffy folk will tell you “it’s never too late“. I’m tired of hearing this on LinkedIn and the rest.
The truth? One day, it will be.
And while that day is not now, it’s a whole lot closer when you’re 55 than when you’re 35.
Acknowledging that is part of what being “conscious” in Conscious Career Coaching means.
Because, I finally realised…
We can embrace the knowledge that life and careers are finite, or we can fight it. Life is finite anyway.
I want to help women face this truth with honesty and courage. And experience this understanding as a gift that helps us focus.
So we can open to living fully present and awake to our “one wild and precious” life, even if we’re doing that messily and with many a mis-step. Better that than drifting along because “it’s never too late” and “I can do it tomorrow or next year”.
Join us?
Make a fresh start with conscious career coaching

Two pathways for women wanting a fresh start in their careers
(aka ways you can work with me)

Navigate your right-now career crossroads through one-to-one coaching
Find your best way forward from your big midlife career crossroads. Post-conventional coaching for women in their 50s and beyond.
Reassess, redesign, and recreate a more meaningful working life.
Be supported to engage your somatic wisdom. Resolve inner conflicts like self-doubt and self-criticism. Navigate this transition with clarity and courage.
Awaken to who you really are. Transform stuck.
1-1 coaching and small group coaching experiences
Start with a 4 session block of bespoke 1-1 coaching (from £375)
Find out more

Live, work, and lead from the inside out through Experiential Focusing
Be more true to yourself. Develop your trust in yourself and your innate wisdom. Make more wholehearted decisions and navigate life’s choices and changes with confidence.
For women keen to generate positive change
Discover a proven, structured, and deeply practical, mind-body method for finding your truth, making wholehearted decisions, and navigating career/life choices.
Join our vibrant world-wide community of Focusers.
1-1 guided sessions & teaching, and small group classes
Start with a 1-1 guided session or a small group introductory workshop
Find out more
I use Focusing principles in my coaching, and coaching techniques when I am teaching Focusing so you can choose any combination of 1-1s and/or group courses.
Not sure the right place to start for you? Let’s have a conversation about it.

“A most enjoyable, rewarding and profoundly useful experience“
“A single session …uncovered the magic ingredient and enabled me to move forward with energy and enthusiasm“
“After each session I always felt much more relaxed, able, energised and ready to face the world.“
Conscious Career Coaching for Women over 50
There’s still time to make a fresh start at work
Get in touch here for an informal conversation
Or connect with me on LinkedIn. I hang out there a lot and post regularly 👇🏻. Look forward to seeing you there.
Resources for Success
Not ready to talk? Read some articles instead…

Journaling is a great way of supporting yourself through change, and understanding yourself better.
This article gives you over 23 different journal prompts and “innercise” suggestions for self-reflection to help you think through the issues. Read more…

How to deal with the emotional fallout. How to “regroup” and bounce back. And create a new stable base from which to move forward with your life and career.
Read more…

You’ll also find signposts to resources, plus questions to support journaling about career, career change, and fulfilment at work. Read more…