Inner Resourcing: UK-based Life Purpose & Career Coaching for Women
Inner Resourcing:
Find Yourself, Find Your Purpose
& Create Fulfilment at Work
Why choose Conscious Career Coaching
with Helen at Inner Resourcing?
Career fulfilment is an integral part of a well-lived life. But you can’t live a rich, full and vital life when cut off from your deepest sense of who you are and what you came here to do.
It’s CONSCIOUS career coaching because:
- it’s about the something in you that is waking up, knowing there’s more, and insisting you pay attention to it
- it supports you in making conscious choices about your career and its direction
- it’s about what you know in your bones about what’s missing, what’s needed, and what you truly desire. (Which takes slowing down, listening deeply, and digging out.)
When I hit my fifties, I realised…
The imperatives that drive your career in your 50s are different to those that drove it in your 30s
I began my 50s working for myself, yes, but without a clear sense of what really mattered to me. What was the impact I wanted to make? It just all felt so VAGUE. And yet so desperately important.
As I got older, I was troubled by the fact that while many women of my age were getting ready to retire, I felt like I had so much more work to do.
Perhaps you’re also being called?
Like me, you may be finding it almost impossible to sort out what your imperatives are. Is some larger purpose calling you, or is it some type of divine discontent as you transition through menopause into later life?
This lack of clarity is partly because of how we live now (distracted, disconnected, and stressed). And it’s partly about the way menopause, and its physical, emotional, and social implications, affect our lives and how we see them (and how others see us).
But, it is ALSO because clarity involves addressing the delicate subject of what you truly want out of the work-life you have left. Some will tell you that “it’s never too late”. But if we’re honest with ourselves, we know that one day it will be.
But that day is not yet. As mature women we have so much to offer, to contribute, and to enjoy. Especially when living from our authentic wisdom and rooted in our purpose.
Inner Resourcing’s mission stems from my sense of the core spirit of my work, and following my own inner compass as to how I am being called to serve at this moment in my life and in the world.
How are YOU being called to serve at this point in your life?
The Inner Resourcing Mission:
To help women in midlife and beyond reconnect to their source of wisdom and self-belief, and feel at home with themselves, so they can:
- find fulfillment by getting up to something meaningful and juicy at work
- express their strengths and talents in a positive, purposeful, and rewarding way
- recover, regroup, and reboot after redundancy
- be sovereign in their own lives without losing connection with others
- experience clarity, confidence, and inner poise even in an uncertain world
- successfully navigate career crossroads by finding and following their calling
- embrace the journey to becoming vital elders.
…Because this world needs more confident, fired-up, purposeful, resourced, and up-to-something women.
In order to fulfil this mission, Inner Resourcing rests on the following 4 principles:
A fully lived life
All life transitions (e.g. parenthood, redundancy, divorce, menopause, career change), lived consciously, and with appropriate support, are opportunities for healing, growth, and living a fuller, richer life.
Self-compassion as a radical act
In a world wanting you to force or forsake the parts of yourself that don’t fit, self-trust, self-acceptance, and self-compassion are positive acts of rebellion. Make the radical real.
Embodiment before mindset
Your body is a reliable instrument for change, fulfilment, and way-finding. It knows your best next steps. Through the wisdom of your body you can access the more that you intrinsically are. Mindset flows from, and responds to, the body’s wisdom.
Interaction first
A fully lived life isn’t lived in isolation and no one succeeds alone. People can’t be separated from the systems they live in. Or the systems they are. While we might concentrate on a specific issue, we’ll never lose sight of the bigger picture.
Conscious Career Coaching addresses
the sparking point…
Redundancy is a sparking point.
Your sense that something’s missing, unheard, or unfulfilled at work is a sparking point.
Inner Resourcing will help you turn that spark into a flame. Your conscious career, in a life lived on purpose and in alignment, is a vital part of the medicine the world needs to recover and thrive.
So what actually IS Inner Resourcing?
Inner Resourcing is BOTH:
- The dynamic, innovative approach to career reinvention you’ll find here. This is a blend of pragmatic, yet transformative, coaching, coupled with an evidence-based, mindful process for tapping into your body’s deepest wisdom (Focusing aka Felt Sensing), AND
- The process of being resourced and supported (by wisdom, embodied awareness, intention, relationship to the wild, and emergent action) through your connection to your deepest truest self. Note that this isn’t about being solely self-reliant, or not needing anyone else. Rather it’s about drawing on both inner and outer resources via the “deeper well” of your inner aliveness.
As a result:
- Go beyond the self you know to uncover underlying motivations and blocks. (Which are probably not what you expect)
- Reliably access your “inner compass”. Find the source of your wisdom. And unlock usual patterns of thinking
- Gain clarity about who you are and be more you
- Be empowered to take aligned action
- Develop self trust. Increase self-belief
- Be confident in your decision-making ability
- Feel resourced, grounded, and clear about your way forward
Got questions? Get in touch here…
Free Resources
- Your Big Midlife Career Shift Calls For Unconventional ThinkingSo… you’re thinking about career change? After decades in the workforce, the promise of fulfilment may seem further out of reach than ever. Or perhaps the satisfaction you once got from your work has got lost in the daily grind. But … Continue reading →
- 8+ Tested Tips For Easier Journalling about Your CareerWondering how to get going with journalling for career change? Here are some helpful ideas and practical, straight-away-actionable tips to get round writer’s block, the terror of the blank page, and other journalling problems. These are especially useful for those finding … Continue reading →
- 5 Weird Ways Toxic Positivity Keeps You Unfulfilled at WorkIs being unfulfilled at work the price you pay for keeping your vibe positive? Discover 5 ways toxic positivity at work (i.e. over-emphasis on positivity and positive thinking) may be keeping you fed-up and unfulfilled. Then explore 3 antidotes to toxic … Continue reading →