Scroll down for details about Conscious Career workshops, Focusing workshops, and Focusing skills trainings….

Looking for the Older Women’s Self Appreciation Society? Jump to the details…

Introductory Workshop 1:

“Finding the Help Within”

Restoring connection to your inner compass

Discover Focusing – a transformative, facilitated practice that helps you connect with your inner wisdom. Develop self-trust, and live true to you

For complete beginners and refreshers of Focusing/Felt-Sensing

NEXT WORKSHOP: 22nd March 2025

Introductory Workshop 2:

“Beyond the Noise”

Finding Focus, Clarity, & Calm in the Midst of Life

You are welcome to take one or other introductory courses, or both. At least one these introductory courses and/or a one-to-one guided session is a pre-requisite for beginners joining the Focusing Skills course (see below). If you’ve already had some Focusing experience and you’d like to do the Skills course, please drop me an email to discuss.

Flourishing from the Inside Out:
The Path of Self Trust & Inner Leadership

Focusing Skills Course

  • Discover how to listen to and follow your inner wisdom
  • Develop Focusing as an on-going practice of self-trust and living from your inner wisdom
  • Develop stellar listening skills in partnership practice.
  • Gain access to worldwide network of trained Focusers for occasional, or longer-term partnership practice
  • Opportunity to gain the Focusing Proficiency Award (International Focusing Institute) along with the BFA Focusing Skills Certificate (requires partnership practice and live-attendance)

This Focusing Skills course gives you a comprehensive grounding in the practice of both Focusing and Companioning/Listening, divided over several modules. Levels 1 & 2 are taught as a single longer module.

The full training covers all 5 levels of the Focusing Skills Certificate validated by the British Focusing Association (BFA). (The certificate course is prerequisite to taking BFA’s professional Focusing training.) Levels 1 & 2 are taught as a single longer module, but there’s no obligation to do all 5 levels, though I hope you will, as this will give you the best foundation for making Focusing a part of your life.

NEXT DATES: Modules 1 (Level 1 &2) are tba. More information coming soon. In the meantime, please drop me a message if you are interested in this course.

This is the first time I am offering the certificate course and I am being mentored through this process by experienced teachers and Focusing Professional Trainers: Peter Gill (Author of “The Way of Curiosity – discovering wisdom through listening to the body” and Focusing Institute Coordinator) and Fiona Parr (Focusing Teacher, psychotherapist and supervisor, and Co-ordinator of The International Focusing Institute)

Conscious Career Workshops and Courses

Older Women’s Self Appreciation SocietyTM

What would it be like to live in a society that valued older women?

What would it be like to live in such a culture?

When did you last feel appreciated?

When was the last time you appreciated yourself?

How do you appreciate (acknowledge, cherish, prize, …) the person you are today:

Pretty smart, a bit wise, often messy and cranky, sometimes struggling, many times finding the strength and character to reset and begin afresh.

Seasoned, mature, and somewhere inside still a hopeful 18 year old?

Everything you’ve accomplished and everything you’ve let go of. All the times it didn’t work and everything you’ve learned from that.

Whether today you’re shining bright or your inner fire is kinda dim. Can you appreciate the aliveness inside?

The person you are, and the potential for the person you’ll become in the future.

If this is hard when you’re 35, how much harder when you’re 55, or 75? Society does not prize the older woman.

Sisters, we’re going to have to do it for ourselves!

I’m calling the circle.

Join me?

The next cohort of this programme will begin September 2025

Max 6 participants. Contact me here to register your interest