Your journey to a fulfilling work-life starts with a conversation.
Whether you know exactly what you want in terms of career change, or you’re looking for clarity and to find your best next steps, I’m here to help.
And I know how difficult it can be to reach out to a complete stranger and ask them for help.
Especially if you’re feeling vulnerable after redundancy. Or because you need to talk about hard stuff like confidence and courage. Or hard to define stuff like meaning and purpose.
Please – come as you are. Let’s meet each other woman to woman, just who we are right now.
I want to hear about your hopes and dreams, your fears, your struggles and your triumphs. Your best bits and your worst bits. No judgements here.
Tell me about you and what you want help with…
NB I usually respond within 24 hours, so if you haven’t heard from me within a day or two, please check your spam/junk folders.
Other ways you can connect with me
Connect/message on Linkedin here……
Check out my Facebook page here…..