Find Yourself & Career Fulfilment in your fifties

with Helen Dillon

Conscious Career Coaching

is for mature, midlife women who:

The big midlife Career Crossroads isn’t just about what you do for a living.

It’s about who you are.

And “Who am I?” (as opposed to “Who should I be?”) is the most difficult, and yet most fundamental, question we need to work with in our lives. Especially at the menopausal, 50-plus, older but not nearly done yet, stage. Especially in a world where older women are expected to fade to grey.

Who you should be is probably pretty clear to you. But who you are? Not so much.

In fact, this career reinvention you’re looking for is probably going hand in hand with the reinvention of yourself that happens as you grow through menopause and beyond.

That makes it extra tricky!

Here’s the thing: you may not have a map for these times, but you do have an inner compass, though you may have lost connection to it.

And my job is to guide you back to it.

You know, you’d think, by the time we got to our 50s and 60s we’d be sorted. We’d know what we’re supposed to be doing …saying …Wanting.

Except life’s not like that! Each day, each decade, presents new challenges. And we never really know how, or even whether we can meet them. Until we do.

I know what it’s like to reinvent yourself

I worked in high-powered corporate settings before changing career to psychotherapy and then coaching.

Qualified in professional coaching, person-centred therapy, and, more recently, certified in Experiential Focusing (a mindful, somatic self-awareness practice), I’ve helped many women through significant life and work transitions.

Thru 20 years of this work, and significant transitions of my own, I’ve learned:

When women connect to their inner wisdom-process they grow in confidence and clarity. They feel more powerful, purposeful, and courageous.

This inner wisdom-process, a.k.a. your inner compass or inner wise woman, is the truest resource you have for finding direction for your work, knowing what you want from a career, and living fully.

If I am a guide to anything, it’s to this edge, this going beyond the self and the stories you already know… to discover, create, and nurture your true self, your emergent self – and then move forward in alignment with that. …..This isn’t conventional, goal-oriented, if-this-then-that coaching…

Read more here…

Helen Dillon, Conscious Career coach and Focusing Professional

Or get in touch here for an informal conversation

What my clients say…

Is This You….?

May I be frank…?

When you change career at 50 it can feel like “now or never”

Yet more and more “2nd age” women are embracing second careers as workforce demographics change. We’re not only living longer, we want to live more fully for longer.

And we want to do more meaningful work.

But here’s the reality bit:

Plenty of fluffy folk will tell you “it’s never too late“. I’m tired of hearing this on LinkedIn and the rest.

The truth? One day, it will be.

And while that day is not now, it’s a whole lot closer when you’re 55 than when you’re 35.

Acknowledging that is part of what being “conscious” in Conscious Career Coaching means.

Because, I finally realised…

We can embrace this knowledge that life and careers are finite, or we can fight it. Life is finite anyway.

I want to help women face this truth with honesty and courage. And experience this understanding as a gift that helps us focus.

So we can open to living fully present and awake to our “one wild and precious” life, even if we’re doing that messily and with many a mis-step. Better that than drifting along because “it’s never too late” and “I can do it tomorrow or next year”.

Join us?

Make a fresh start with conscious career coaching

Is This You…?

Services for women wanting a fresh start in their career
(aka ways you can work with me)

Career Compass Coaching


Deep listening. Insightful questions. Exceptional support.

When you know something’s missing but you don’t know what that is, regroup and refocus with customised coaching support. Figure out what you want out of your career.

Create clarity and awaken to who you really are. Transform stuck.

No preset structure. No agenda, apart from helping you find your best way forward.

Transformational 1~1 career coaching for women. £375/4 sessions
Let’s talk.

Confidence Rising


The confidence to do meaningful work

Shine at work
Grow self-belief. Feel empowered.
Create the change you want.
And feel at peace with yourself

An intensive, live, personal (one-to-one), confidence coaching experience.

For women who know they’re on their right path, but struggle to move along it because of chronic self-doubt & self-criticism.

Love your life. Rock your business. Change the world.

Find Your True Self


Be True to You

Finding your true self isn’t a one time thing.
Because work changes. You change.

So finding your true self is a on-going process of living according to your truth.

Which means, in order to continually step into your truth, you need a reliable way to connect with your wise, intuitive, authentic self.

That’s exactly what this course teaches: a proven, structured, mind-body method for finding your truth, making wholehearted decisions, and navigating career choices.

Introducing: Experiential Focusing (also known as Felt Sensing).

Bring a current career/business situation, issue, or dilemma to work with….

Possibly the world’s best kept secret of personal or professional development.

“A most enjoyable, rewarding and profoundly useful experience

A single session …uncovered the magic ingredient and enabled me to move forward with energy and enthusiasm

After each session I always felt much more relaxed, able, energised and ready to face the world.

Conscious Career Coaching
Because everyone deserves a fulfilling work-life

Get in touch here for an informal conversation

Or connect with me on LinkedIn. I hang out there a lot and post regularly. Look forward to seeing you there.

Resources for Success

Not ready to talk? Read some articles instead…

Contemplating career change?
Journaling is a great way of supporting yourself through change, and understanding yourself better.
This article gives you over 23 different journal prompts and “innercise” suggestions for self-reflection to help you think through the issues. Read more…
Alongside practical resources, you also need the emotional support and personal resources to respond redundancy:
How to deal with the emotional fallout. How to “regroup” and bounce back. And create a new stable base from which to move forward with your life and career.
Read more…
How to feel more fulfilled at Work without changing career
This article explores four shifts you can make to feel more fulfilled and inspired at work without leaving your current role. 
You’ll also find signposts to resources, plus questions to support journaling about career, career change, and fulfilment at work. Read more…

See all the articles…
